-- Main privacy bot configuration file config = { -- Log verbosity, 1 will print debug 0 will not. TODO: give more control over log output verbosity = 1, -- Bot nickname name = "Privacy Link Bot", --[[ This will set the type of url to replace the service domain with. Can be: - clearnet - onion - eepsite - yggdrasil - TODO: make it work and more types? ]]-- prefered_website_medium = "clearnet", -- Choose random frontend instead of fallback one, will force clearnet random_frontend = true, -- Reply using XEP-0461 instead of just quoting use_reply_xep = true, -- List of desired frontends to extract from `services.json` sites = { -- Key is domain pattern ["reddit[.]com"] = { -- Specify which frontents should be used frontends = { "libreddit", "redlib" } }, ["instagram[.]com"] = { frontends = { "proxigram" } }, ["github[.]com"] = { frontends = { "gothub" } }, ["google[.]com"] = { frontends = { "searxng" } }, ["youtube[.]com"] = { frontends = { "piped", "invidious"} }, ["www[.]youtube[.]com"] = { frontends = { "piped", "invidious"} }, ["youtu[.]be"] = { frontends = { "piped", "invidious", } }, ["twitter[.]com"] = { frontends = { "nitter", } }, ["x[.]com"] = { frontends = { "nitter", } }, ["wikipedia[.]org"] = { frontends = { "wikiless", } }, ["medium[.]com"] = { frontends = { "scribe", } }, ["imgur[.]com"] = { frontends = { "rimgo", } }, ["translate[.]google[.]com"] = { frontends = { "lingva", } }, ["tiktok[.]com"] = { frontends = { "proxitok", } }, ["fandom[.]com"] = { frontends = { "breezewiki", } }, -- TODO: the rest } } -- Load config file with private information dofile("config_private.lua")