2024-06-24 17:00:30 -05:00

46 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- TODO: luarocks?
-- Squish commit hash
local squish_version = "tip"
-- Squish script url
local squish_script = string.format("", squish_version)
-- Verse commit hash
local verse_version = "98dc1750584d"
-- Location for various verse files
local verse_folder_name = string.format("verse-%s", verse_version)
local verse_archive_filename = string.format("%s.tar.gz", verse_version)
local verse_dist = string.format("", verse_archive_filename)
-- Options for verse `./configure` script
local verse_config_opts = ""
-- Options for verse `make`
local verse_make_opts = ""
-- Check if verse module exists and compile if it doesn't
if not os.execute(string.format("ls verse.lua 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")) then
-- Download source archive
os.execute(string.format("wget \"%s\"", verse_dist))
-- Extract the source archive
os.execute(string.format("tar -xf \"%s\"", verse_archive_filename))
-- Delete the source archive
-- Compile library
[[sh -c "cd \"%s\" && # Go to library dir
wget \"%s\" -O ./buildscripts/squish && # Replace squish with stripped down version that actually works
./configure %s && # Configure the library
make %s # Compile"]],
verse_folder_name, squish_script, verse_config_opts, verse_make_opts
-- Copy file
os.execute(string.format("cp \"%s/verse.lua\" .", verse_folder_name))
-- Delete folder
os.execute(string.format("rm -rf \"%s\"", verse_folder_name))
-- Load main module